38% above industry average
Conversion rate
173% above industry average
Increase in traffic from social media

Digital Marketing
To increase online leads, we ran ads for Blue Sky Financial where their customer base was already looking (search engines), and where they were already spending time (Facebook). The Facebook ad we developed for BlueSky Financial had one particular focus: introducing new customers to their brand via a new retirement calculator widget on their website, which we found to be a sought-after financial planning tool online. Pairing this with Google ads created a well-rounded strategy to catch potential customers wherever they may be.
The Google ads campaign that not only targeted related keywords, but used geo-location tags, highly-targeted copy and gentle calls-to-action pushed the user to Blue Sky’s website - not just for the calculator, but for broader financial help as well. This allowed them to gain competitive advantage by establishing themselves as a reliable knowledge source in the field. This gained credibility went a long way into converting users into strong leads.

Web Design
We designed for the future with the user’s journey in mind. After doing research on the target audience, we found that they respond best to powerful storytelling and emotion, conduct extensive online searches to make informed decisions, and are less confident in their financial literacy. From this information we designed the homepage to tell a story and be a learning experience. Detailed information on the team and the services they offer ensures that the user feels comfortable in trusting them.
Each service was assigned a different graphic element. The combination of graphics and text provides a better understanding for the user. Each design decision was made carefully including using round shapes for a friendly vibe, and colour psychology in the colour selection process. Ultimately, this site not only helped the user feel comfortable, but also resulted in increased leads.
Increase in website visitors
Increase in contact page views
Increase in return website visitors

Blue Sky Financial came to us looking for an SEO strategy that would help expand the demand for their services within a specific geographic area. Our success in this area was highly conditioned on properly understanding internet user trends in Regina and developing keyword-rich messaging to meet the needs of potential clients.
We began with extensive keyword research, which we implemented into the website through titles of services, written content and meta-tags. Beyond running a conjoining Google Ads campaign, we also set up Google search console for looking at the success of the SEO strategy after the website is launched. Ongoing monitoring and making adjustments accordingly was key to ensuring Blue Sky stayed relevant to searchers online.
Increase in organic traffic
Decrease in bounce rate
from all sessions
Ranked on first page for key terms including
"Financial Planning Regina"